After reading green Days in Brunei, which I liked very much, he was already wanting to read a finished novel of Sterling.
The true thing is that in Islands in the network Sterling develops much more the universe that presented us in the green Days in Brunei, to fulfill it with details. This universe is not so a cyberpunk (in the most literal sense: it is not so ciber, so so futurist) as it it is the showed one by Gibson, but it is more in contact with the current reality and it benefits, porqué not to say it, from the Sterling's biggest ease at the time of writing a novel.
The Islands world in the network presents a few States that have seen how thanks to the network new actors were appearing in the global diplomacy. These actors are, principally, big corporations that share the power, the deliberation and the negotiations table with the States.
Nevertheless, the world as Sterling shows it turns out to be worrying. Chaotic, violent, uncontrolled, with all the hope deposited in the victory of a luck of global government (a coalicción of the States and corporations) that defines the success based on the assimilation of all the regions that have not adhered to the coalicción.
The vision, a pair of decades later, might seem hit in these days in which coarse áfrica regions prove to be unable to brake the control of a few pirates' tribes that force the shipowners to travel with their own private defense at the same time that the only family turns into «the necessary evil» and is capable of influencing enormously the life of thousands of Mexicans. Both cases demonstrate that when the State weakens new forms of organization they will arise to fulfill these lacks. A problem is that the States usually adapt themselves slowly and for when they want to realize this type of situations can have become more frequent. Other is that the logic of the State is that of reducing any dissident opinion (but this is another history).
Obviously, these new organizations, in which the economic yield is not obviated but it is not placed over the well-being of his members they can have dark backgrounds of «cártel gangster» or, as in case of rizome de Sterling, be admissible from a social point of view.
The big doubt is: if we give for fact that this type of ecosystems again stamp can arise (or they are arising) and that the dark reverse is going to develop although one does not give him legal coverage (because that's why it is dark and for that they are going to defy to the power): would not it be worth while giving major coverage and facility so that the organizations that should compensate the scales do not find hobbles for his development?
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